Welcome to my blog where you will get an insight into my teaching practice, my passion for education, my challenges, successes and reflections. I hope my posts and experiences will encourage or challenge you in your practice. This year I am a CoL Across School teacher for our Manaiakalani Cluster.It is a role I have aspired to have for sometime and I am excited for this new journey of learning and professional growth. He waka eke noa.
Friday, 16 December 2022
2022 TAI evaluation
Friday, 18 November 2022
Qual analysis of my point 1 data collection
At the beginning of my intervention, I collected qualitative data from my sample group. There were no numerical information from the data set because it was a survey where the teachers answered the questions. In a recent PLG, Naomi Rosedale discussed analysing qualitative data in a quantitative way. This is called qual analysis. I asked Naomi if I could meet with her so she could go over this analysis technique with me.
The meeting with Naomi was a very educational meeting for me because in the short time we met, I learnt so much from Naomi about how to analyse qualitative data. The analysis I have done of my data set is a very basic qual analysis. Naomi has shown me some other forms of qual analysis to analyse qualitative data but for a start, this is what I have done.
This method of data analysis paints a much clearer picture of qualitative data. When I looked at my original data analysis in qualitative form, there were so many different information presented. However, when I completed the qual analysis of the same data set, I could clearly see some common trends in the data set. I suppose it supports a saying I have about quantitative data - the numbers tell a story.
The overall theme I picked out from my data analysis were:
- There was and is still a great need for pedagogical knowledge needed for our teachers to plan and implement an effective reading programme
- The teachers all had different ideas about how to teach reading
- There was no common understanding of how to plan and teach reading
- There is a lack of connection with whanau with the reading programmes happening in classes
- Key elements highlighted in the Fala Planning Model were not used in our current reading programmes
Friday, 21 October 2022
Evaluating data for inquiries
Today's PLG for our CoL teachers focussed on how we analyse data. There were definitely a lot of great learning which I took away from the PLG.
I have always thought about collecting data as qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative giving more statistical information with numerical values and qualitative where the information is more categorial. Today Naomi Rosedale did share that there are ways to analyse qualitative data to give more numerical information. I am booking a time to meet with her so she can give me more support in doing this.
Data is really important in our teaching as inquiry. Whenever I analyse students data, there are always so many questions and wondering which come to mind when looking at data especially over a number of years. I always say that data tell a story about what is happening for our students and also our teaching as teachers.
This year, because my sample group are our teachers, I have collected my profiling data using surveys and also quantitative data from the assessments of the target students in each teachers' group. As we are heading towards end of year assessments, I am very keen to see what the summative data will show in the students' assessments and also the end of year qualitative data from my sample group of teachers.
"Just saying they have made progress because they have a higher test score or jumped xxx levels is not enough.
Need to compare to something more than just pre and post test data.
Are the learners in your target group making progress in comparison to... Norm, Data from last year, other comparative learners in school/cluster?" (PLG slide 63)
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Deep learning conversations about planning for purposeful learning drawing on the Reading Planning Fala
- Multimodal - comics/graphic novels, picture books, newspapers, brochures, print advertisements, posters, storyboards, digital slide presentations
- Caters for the learning intention - does the text support the lessons purpose for students to achieve the Learning Intention of the unit?
- Texts which are challenging and fosters perseverance of reading - are the texts challenging for the students? Do they enable the students to struggle with the text and seek clarification through rich discussions?
- Information/topic specific - do the texts relate to the topic of study? Enables wide and narrow reading for information?
- Main, supporting, challenge text - Will two texts support each other and the challenge text encouraging the students to compare and contrast information from the texts and making their own conclusions?
- Student choice in text selection - Will the students have opportunities to seek more texts of their own choice which links to the unit of study?
- Vocabulary - texts introduces students to new vocabulary
Thursday, 8 September 2022
AKo, Hanga, Tohatoha
Learn, Create, Share
Ako, Hanga, Tohatoha
My class shared projects they have been working on for the last two weeks. The unit was for four weeks where the first two weeks the students were learning using learning materials created by me. The last two weeks, the students inquired into ares of our topic they were interested in. The unit was on what New Zealand produces for the world and ourselves. Having shorter inquiry units linked with literacy has been so successful in my class. Where before, we would drag a unit for a whole term, now we have a long term inquiry topic but choose different lines (aspects) of inquiry to focus on for 4-5 weeks. I found the students enjoyed the shorter and focussed progress of learning. I also feel the two weeks of front loading and exploring the topic using the materials I prepared led the way for the students to choose their own inquiry topics.
With the individual student inquiries, some scaffolding was needed to brainstorm and select topics and main questions for the student inquiries. After the main inquiry question was chosen I then conferenced with the students about the supplementary questions they could ask to help them answer their main question.
The searching for information was a learning process the students are confident in. Support is still needed for some students to identify what relevant sources of information are and to translate information they read into their own understanding. This is an ongoing need as students are using digital sources of information for their learning. Thus highlighting the importance of being cybersmart.
The Create part of the student projects was interesting to observe and monitor. Where some students were happy and excited to plan their create activity and how they would present their work, some needed a lot of motivational talks, prompting and observing. At the end of the inquiry cycle, it was great to see the students presenting the information they researched and also their create tasks. We had hand made fashion items, fashion walks, farms, stages, arenas, aeroplanes and many more creative ideas hand made by the students. Our showcase was a celebration of the end of this inquiry cycle but more importantly, a celebration of my students' success in their learning. Where success looks different for every child, every success was acknowledged and celebrated.
Friday, 26 August 2022
PLG reflection
Yesterday at our CoL PLG, I was in a small group discussion where I shared where I am so far with my inquiry.
The focus of my inquiry this year is to work with a team of teachers in my school to plan a reading programme which aligns with the Manaiakalani Reading Plan FALA.
As a team, the teachers in my inquiry group and I have been constantly discussing what and how we will change our reading practice to cater for not only our inquiry groups but all our students. I think it is very important to highlight that, if we intend to make a change in the way students learn, then we as teachers have to make the change first.
- At our team meetings we have a time set aside to share our planning for our literacy programmes and our inquiry programme as they are integrated
- We have time set aside in our team meetings to reflect and share what we are doing for our own teaching as inquiry
- We are working on using the same planning templates for our reading programmes
- We are consistently sharing resources which we can use in our classes
Monday, 15 August 2022
Casual chain for my Teaching as Inquiry
Link to google drawing |
This is the casual chain for my inquiry this year. It is the first year my target group is a group of teachers. I am hoping this year's inquiry will create a planning model for our team to use which takes in all we are wanting to achieve with our teaching of reading.
- Engaging learners
- Encouraging a love of reading
- Using digital tools for literacy - multimodal texts
- Incorporating effective reading instruction
- Accelerating student progress in reading
- Building confidence in teachers to plan an effective reading programme
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Interpreting my data collection
Monday, 11 July 2022
Good inquiry happens in teams
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari, he toa takitiniSuccess is not the work of one but, the work of many
I have been supporting my colleagues with their teaching as inquiry. I find a lot of value in the professional discussions we have when we are discussing how we can improve our practice to accelerate the progress of our students.
Reflecting on our practiceA very important aspect of professional discussions about teaching as inquiry is around what is currently happening in the teacher's practice. Our practice determines how students learn. If we want our students to change their current achievement or accelerate then we have to reflect on what we need to change in our own practice. I understand there are times we feel we are doing well in our practice and that is great but if our achievement data is showing our students are not achieving where they should be for their year levels then something needs to change.
The importance of dataI have this saying "data tells a story". When I analysed our school data last year, I was amazed the learning I gained from looking at the school wide data. The student achievement data do tell us a story about the learning of our students. It is very important for your TAI to gather the starting data for your sample group at the beginning of your inquiry. This will be your measuring point for the end of your inquiry.
Student voiceAs the recipients of our practice, our students views and voice is vital to our teaching as inquiry. As well as having conversations, I like to collect student voice through google forms. It is good to give students time and space to think about their responses and that is why google forms are effective. Below are some student voice I collected last year for my TAI about self efficacy. I have always been surprised by what students share through their student voice and it often challenges my own beliefs about what I am doing in my teaching.
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
My Teaching as Inquiry focus for 2022
As mentioned in a previous post, I wanted to focus on the HLP (High Leverage Practices) in mentoring my sample group for my TAI this year. However, I have been doing quite a bit of research and have decided that the Reading Planning Fala encompasses the HLPs as well as the digital affordances. Therefore, my hypothesise is:
Will working collaboratively with a group of teachers to plan a reading programme using the Reading Planning Fala, CHANGE the practice of these teachers and lead to acceleration in reading for their target students?
"This model was developed this year bringing together elements of the Manaiakalani pedagogy, high leverage practises and digital affordances and has informed the observations, questionnaires and these recommendations" (Manaiakalani Wananga 2021).
This week, our staff are planning for learning for Term 3. It is a great time to kick start my TAI by looking at how we plan for our reading programme using the Reading Planning Fala.
I have printed off copies of the fala for each group member to go over before we meet as a team. I believe the teachers in my sample group have not seen the Reading Planning fala before so a lot of talanoa will be done before we start to incorporate the fala in our planning.
In our team meetings, I have an allocated time to support our team with their TAI and also discuss what is happening with my own. I also do in class observations and in class support for teachers during their literacy programmes. There are many opportunities to give support but I know the planning aspect of the teaching must be done well and explicitly for the teaching to be effective.
Therefore, my big focus for the rest of this term is to support my sample group with their planning using the Reading Planning Fala.
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I am looking forward to this year's TAI. Term 3 will be the implementation term. I do hope by Term 4 we will see a shift in the reading data for the target students for my sample group of teachers.
Monday, 27 June 2022
Supporting our staff with Teaching as Inquiry
These slides were created to support our staff with their Teaching as Inquiry. It is a step by step process which our teachers can follow along with discussions with our professional leaders and team members.
If you have any suggestions for me regarding these slides, please put them in the comments. I am also happy to share the presentation with you to use in your practice. (Hello blog viewer, I am referring to you).
The Teaching as Inquiry process represented here is from the Woolf Fisher Research Team (WFRC) and the work they do for The Manaiakalani Programme (TMP).
If you would like to find some resources for Teaching as Inquiry from TKI you can find them on this link Teaching as Inquiry – practical tools for teachers
Tuesday, 14 June 2022
Manaiakalani Create Staff Meeting
Yesterday, I had the privilege of hosting a create workshop for our Manaiakalani Create Staff Meeting. My session was on Smartphone Photography.
It was quite interesting to learn that in the 1970s, New Zealand was leading the world in literacy and that was a time when The Arts was heavily incorporated in the curriculum especially at primary school level. Just last week, I was sharing with my school team that the Create part of the Manaiakani kaupapa is often overlooked and not given a lot of attention to when planning for student learning. I shared that the Create should have sufficient time for students to plan and create to show what they have learnt in their learning. It is also a great opportunity for our talented students to showcase their confidence and creativity. Every year, we have the Manaiakalani Film Festival. It is an absolute testament of how confident and talented our students are.
Friday, 10 June 2022
Spoilt with resources
This blog post title as interesting as it is reflects how I feel after gathering materials for a presentation I presented to our teaching team today.
I have been thinking of focussing my TAI on coaching/mentoring my sample group to plan reading programmes focussed on using the High Leverage Practices. However, in conversations with Naomi Rosedale, she shared that the Designing Learning with the End in Mind Model was created to incorporate the High Leverage Practices as well as the digital affordance. BINGO! I THINK I have found what I want to focus on, for my TAI.
In searching through the resources shared from Manaiakalani PLGs, Wananga days and Data Sharing days, I am just so grateful for all the resources we have. I feel we are blessed with so much that we can use in our teaching. Accessibility at its finest. So many presentations with such valuable information. Well informed and presented information at that too.
Monday, 6 June 2022
Gathering information from the practice of the teachers in my sample group
- Ambitious outcomes for all
- Eyes on text
- Language and vocabulary development {KC - language, texts and symbols}
- High-level discussions {KC - participating and contributing}
- Transforming and transference of knowledge through creation
- Making thinking visible {KC - thinking}
Friday, 20 May 2022
Designing my intervention for 2022
Where am I at now?
I have been working in the classes in my school and observing how the students are learning in reading. I have also had conversations with teachers about their reading programme and what their strengths and challenges are.
I do not have my own class this year which is something very different for me. I did think of having a sample of students from a class in our school to be my sample but decided against this because it will not be consistent TAI if I am not consistency working with the students on daily basis. I then reflected and decided to focus my TAI on working with a group of teachers in our senior school to collaborate with them to plan and implement a reading programme which I hope will accelerate the reading progress of our students.
What is my focus on this inquiry?
Mentor/coach/support teachers to plan and implement reading programmes which will accelerate the reading progress of their target students.
Share resources with teachers to build their pedagogical knowledge.
Have korero/talanoa sessions with teachers to reflect on their practice and make plans for changes needed to improve their practice.
Co-construct a reading programme with teachers which accelerates the reading progress of our students and share this programme with all the teachers in our school/cluster.
Have I developed a profile of the sample in my inquiry?
I have identified the teachers I will be working with. I have sent them a google form to gather their thoughts/ideas about their teaching of reading. This will be my baseline data for this inquiry.
Once I have collated the information from the google form, I will then have one to one discussions with each teacher about their responses.
Have I generated hypotheses about what I will do (actions) to shift the teaching of the teachers who will be in my sample group?
My focus for this inquiry is to work with teachers to analyse their current practice in teaching reading and mentor/coach teachers to plan and implement a reading programme which focusses on T Shaped Literacy.
I also want to strengthen the involvement of whanau/aiga in the learning of students in reading.
I would like to look at the texts chosen for student learning and activities which the students engage with in their reading programmes.
Friday, 6 May 2022
Returning back to work
I have now returned back to school after one term of maternity leave. My little girl was born on 4 January 2022. While it was emotional to leave my little girl at home and come back to work, I was also very excited to being back at school and fulfilling my role as a teacher and CoL Across School leader.
I am fortunate to be in the Manaiakalani Reading Design group and my first week back involved working with the Manaiakalani Reading Design to discuss and plan a literacy programme to address the reading challenge we have in our clusters.
I also participated in my first CoL PLG on Thursday and shared what I think will be my TAI for 2022. For my TAI this year, I am looking at working with teachers to build the literacy programme in their classrooms. When sharing in our group, I was not sure how the quantitative data would be collected if the teachers are my sample for my TAI. Our convenor, Russell Burt, pointed out that, the student data will be the evidence if our TAI are effective or not. That statement is very true because, if I am working with teachers to structure their literacy programme to improve the learning of our students, then student achievement data and also the qualitative data we collect will be an indication of the effectiveness of my TAI.
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Image from https://www.pinterest.com.au/barbaraane73/samoan-proverbs/ |
Analysis of my teaching as inquiry this year
How do mathematical practices in DMIC support learner identities in Maths? The shift in student independence in solving mathematical prob...
When we signed up for Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu this year, I thought a lot about how we could make it work for our class. I then came up with an i...
I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Jannie van Hees not only with my class but also in professional discussions...
This week has been a busy week with my classroom teaching, assessments, DFI and all the lovely frills and spills of being a teacher. I have ...