Tuesday 13 April 2021

Searching, reflecting, noticing and hypothesising.

As in my previous blog post, Project Based Learning is now implemented into my classroom programme. Our first unit was the Animals Unit where the students carried out project using the theme of Animals. Each curriculum area has their own tasks to complete. During the first Project Based Learning unit, I observed the interaction of my students with the work and the change in the way they were learning. 

For the first week, it was a challenge because this is a new programme for the students and a change in how we have been learning in my class.

I am trying to decide on what I will focus on with my inquiry in accelerating the reading of my students. Project Based Learning is focussed on individual student inquiries and self management. At this stage, I am considering focussing on self regulation in reading and learning activities to strengthen student autonomy and accelerating the students' progress in reading. 

Here are the units for the Animals Unit which my students started this term. 

Analysis of my teaching as inquiry this year

  How do mathematical practices in DMIC support learner identities in Maths? The shift in student independence in solving mathematical prob...