Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Being innovative in my practice

During one of my observations I realised I really wanted to work with my groups who were text sharing but I was with another group deep diving into another text. I shared this with Jannie who suggested I have one week helping my reading groups share their texts. Therefore I restructured my reading rotations for this week. I am still finding that the deep diving is not 100% yet. It is a work in progress. I do not know the time frame when it will be a 100%. With each day we try and make progress towards our goals. Here is a set up of our deep diving group sharing this week.

We have a four day literacy cycle due to technology on Friday mornings. On Monday (Day 1) I spent time with each group unpacking their chosen text. The students had autonomy to choose which text they will share with the other groups. From day 2, one group was split into two and shared their text with the other groups.

From the discussions, I asked the groups to share their reflections of the sharing sessions with me. From the reflections shared with me and my observations during the discussions, I have been able to identify the the need for explicit teaching of how to share reading texts and deep diving within my reading groups.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,
    I really enjoyed reading this blog posts and hearing how you are finding bright spots in the new strategies you are implementing but that it is not all smooth sailing. I like that the teaching is coming out of observed student needs. I wondered if you could tell me a bit more about how students select texts and what is involved in the sharing process. I am excited about your inquiry as building student autonomy is something I feel we all must continue to work on and I would love more ideas around how to do this.

    Thank you so much for sharing your process with the world.


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