Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Research reading on dialogic discussions.

In my practice I have been working on encouraging the use of dialogic discussions in the classroom. In our classroom discussions there are always some students who are reluctant to question/challenge/ask or explore the thinking of others. 

Therefore I have decided I need to do more research into this notion of dialogic discussion. The more I am equipped with knowledge about dialogic discussions, the more I will be able to scaffold its use in my classroom. 

Here are some readings I have collected about the use of dialogic discussions. 

Bakker, Smit & Wegerif

  • The term ‘‘dialogic teaching’’ is particularly associated with Alexander’s (2008) focus on talk between teachers and students in the classroom.
  • Alexander grounds his approach to dialogue in Bakhtin often quoting the line ‘‘if an answer does not give rise to a new question from itself, it falls out of the dialogue’’ (Bakhtin, 1986, p. 168).
  • Understanding of dialogue as a form of open ended shared inquiry.
  • The aim of education is not only that the students will learn something that the teacher already knows but also that the students will learn how to ask open ques- tions and how to learn new things for themselves through engaging in dialogic inquiry.

  • Dialogic argumentation requires that all participants have the opportunity to question, evaluate, and challenge ideas (Berland & McNeill, 2010, p. 781). This means that there should be space, both temporal and dialogical, in classroom discussions for students to bring forward their thoughts, ideas, and prior knowledge (Michaels, O’Connor, & Resnick, 2008). 
  • In addition, the classroom’s dialogical culture should allow students to make mistakes without fear of being ridiculed or disregarded. 
  • Fundamentally, dialogicity enables different and even diverging ideas to be welcomed into classroom discussions (Bakhtin, 1986).
The readings have provided me with the passion to pursue the research conducted into the use of dialogic discussions in the classroom. I will also use these readings to inform and strengthen my teaching practice and the use of dialogic discussions in Room 7. 

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